In the summer of 2014, Jim was called by God, through the invitation of Pastor Eric Capaci, to bring the message of prayer to Hot Springs, AR. This began a journey that would transform the lives of God's people in that city. A series of Prayer Gatherings hosted thousands of brothers & sisters in Christ, representing over 50 different churches and denominations. The Holy Spirit sparked something wonderful! Racial walls began to fall, pastors repented of their prayerlessness, civil authorities were united with their spiritual authorities to be accountable, and God's people recommitted themselves to prayer.
Pastors from all over the Hot Springs region are now regularly meeting together for support, fellowship and prayer. The seeds of authentic redemptive change have taken root and the results have been miraculous!

"This city will never be the same!"
Hot Springs

God Continues to Move - Eric Capaci HD

The 1st Hot Springs Prayer Gathering

The 2nd Hot Springs Prayer Gathering