Bringing individuals and churches closer to God through the miraculous gift of prayer.
Partnering with other like-minded ministries to support Christ’s bride, the Church.
Prayer Devotionals with Audio Prayers
The authors, Jim Maxim with Daniel Henderson and Cathy Maxim, have felt a special calling in their hearts to bring the body of Christ closer to God through prayer. In his 21 Day series, short devotionals on prayer with daily audio prayers are combined to help guide the reader/listener into a deeper relationship with God through this wonderful gift of prayer.
NEW Devotionals!
The long awaited next book in the 21 Days of Prayer Series by Jim Maxim is now here! Start your New Year learning about what God thinks of you and how this knowledge will change how you think and how you pray!
New Release! The first book in Jim Maxim's 21 Day Prayer Series is now available in Spanish.
Read more HERE.
Prayer Events
Come and join us at one of our events where we seek the face of God through His beautiful gift of prayer. INFO
"Nothing can stop prayer except us not doing it and nothing can stop God from answering it." Jim Maxim